We are offering full agency services in Latvian ports irrespective of a vessel's type along with husbandry services and protecting agency.
Our know-how and knowledge of agency market also allow to render agency services in other Baltic ports via reliable subagents.
Schengen and non-Schengen crew changes, ship's supplies with additional import or export customs clearances are promptly arranged in strict accordance with local customs and immigrations regulations.

Every minute counts while arranging loading or discharging of goods including timely issue of cargo documentation synchronized with cargo lashing in holds or on deck. Arrangements for issue of import or export declarations for cargo, phytosanitary certificates and goods clearances at customs house which do not delay vessels or trucks are our daily routine we are good at. Timber and pulpwood are our current major projects but other cargoes are always viewed and are welcome at terminals we are eager to recommend.

You are welcome to apply for arranging transportation of cargo by land, sea or air. Our quotation of freight rates is always on market level and within reasonable time frame backed up by strict adherence to customs regulations of each particular country and using reliable service providers which offer cost effective solutions. We consider that complete transparency, good hands, proper cargo documentation and knowledge of local peculiarities is the clue for final outcome.

We are simply moving your cargo from requested point A to requested point B in the same shape, quantity and quality. Means of transportation, possible deadlines, additional handlings in transit points shall not affect the cargo condition. But be realistic as applicable to market trends which finally result the cost. International moving require shipment of right quantities and as less as possible number of transit handlings in order to reduce transportation costs and make the product competitive at the destination point.